As I walked my kids to school this morning, I noticed many streets and houses decorated with buntings, balloons and the Union Jack Flag in preparation for the King’s Coronation. I love seeing the nation celebrate together; whether it’s a street party, house party or an entire school or community celebration! The idea of people coming together to witness and celebrate history and not the devastation of natural disasters or wars, makes for a very welcome and peaceful change.

And, it just wouldn’t be an English tradition if afternoon tea, shortbread biscuits and cucumber sandwiches weren’t served, but I thought we could make it colour themed as well as traditional with some super easy and super tasty red, white and blue sweet treats for you to enjoy while watching King Charles’ Coronation (or not, if you’re not a big royalist – these healthy treats go just was well with a Netflix series or as something to do with your family!).

FROYO BERRY CUPCAKES – makes 6 – double ingredients to make 12

You will need:

  • 6/12 cupcake muffin tray
  • Silicone cupcake liners – if you read my last article, we made egg/oat breakfast muffins so you can re-use or may have leftover parchment cupcake liners from that recipe
  • Measuring cups
  • A small & medium bowl for mixing


  • 1/4 cup ground almonds
  • 2 tablespoon coconut sugar
  • 2 tablespoon melted coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup plain Greek yoghurt
  • 2 tablespoons of honey/maple syrup
  • 5 cups of mixed berries – strawberries (chopped), raspberries and blueberries


  • Line the muffin tray with either the silicone or parchments cupcake liners
  • In a small bowl, stir together the ground almonds, coconut sugar and coconut oil and spoon a little into each muffin cup to cover the bottom
  • In a medium bowl, mix together the yoghurt and honey/maple syrup and spoon 2 tablespoons in each muffin cup making sure to totally cover the ground almonds at the bottom
  • Equally divide the berries into each muffin cup – chop a little if necessary
  • Place in the freezer until firm – around 6 hours
  • When ready to serve, remove from the freezer and and allow to set at room temperature for 8-10 minutes removing the muffin cups when defrosted a little
  • Enjoy immediately!

Brood Live
Brood Live
Brood Live

If you want to make something but haven’t got the time or just literally can’t be bothered, these fruit kebabs are the easiest and quickest Coronation chuck together and the kids will love getting involved too!

CORONATION DESSERT FRUIT KEBABS – make as many as you want!

You will need:

  • Wooden kebab sticks


  • Strawberries (remove the green leaves) – Can use leftover berries from above recipe!
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Large white marshmallows


  • Slide the fruit onto each kebab stick in a red, white and blue fruit order – alternating the strawberries and raspberries
  • Enjoy immediately or store in the fridge until ready to serve!

Or, if you want to look like you’ve put tonnes of effort into your contribution to the street party (but really haven’t!), you can go for this Coronation Flag Dessert Board….

Coronation Flag Dessert Board

You will need:

  • A clean chopping or cheese board – depending on the size of the party!


  • Plain Greek yoghurt – enough to spread on the entire dessert board
  • Large white marshmallows, halved lengthways – as above recipe – can use leftovers
  • 300-400g Strawberries – green leaves removed – cut flat on top
  • 300-400g Blueberries
  • 250g Raspberries


  • Spread a thick layer of the Greek yoghurt to the dessert board – as if you were spreading butter on bread – leave a small border around the edges
  • Using the strawberries, place them top side down so the wider part is in the yoghurt and the thinner part sticks up, to make the main cross of the flag – the yoghurt should help them stay in place
  • Using the raspberries, continue building the internal cross part of the flag in the same way as the strawberries
  • Then use the blueberries to fill in the four corners of the flag, making sure to leave space in-between the shape of the fruit in order to see the white of the yoghurt
  • Add the halved marshmallows along the white of the flag or where desired
  • Place in the fridge for a minimum of an hour or until ready to eat
  • Enjoy and bask in the glory of all your hard work (not) to make this magnificent masterpiece!

Now, I hear you ask – why the obsession with berries all of a sudden?! Well, that will be because they are coming into season very soon, which means they can be sourced locally and sustainably and taste absolutely amazing! Also, they have so many health benefits, it would be rude for me to not make you aware of these….

  • Beautiful Blueberries – they are an excellent source of flavonoids (antioxidants), especially anthocyanidins. These antioxidants compounds are responsible for their blue, red and purple pigments. They are also a very good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, insoluble and soluble fibre. manganese and riboflavin (vit B2).
  • Quick Fact – Due to their high levels of antioxidants, blueberries can help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease.


  • Radiant Raspberries – are an excellent source of fibre, manganese, vitamin C, flavonoids (as blueberries), and ellagic acid which is a cancer fighting compound. Raspberries are also a very good source of B vitamins, such as, B2, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6.
  • Quick Fact – While the post common type of raspberry is red-pink in colour, they actually come in a range of colours including black, purple, orange, yellow and white.
  • Scrumptious Strawberries – The most popular type of berry in the world! Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, K, dietary fibre and flavonoids. They are also a very good source of manganese, pantothenic acid, vitamin B1, folic acid, biotin, iodine and vitamin B6.
  • Quick Fact – Their unique flavonoid (antioxidant) content makes them a valuable protector against inflammation, heart disease and cancer.

I wish you all a wonderful, and hopefully sunny, May and makes sure to enjoy the many bank holiday weekends coming our way! Oh, and don’t forget to tag myself @katedevinenutript and @broodmagazine should you make any of my recipes! Thank you!


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Sarah Jayne Dunn & Jon Smith: On Creating more time with your family outdoors

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