Est. Reading Time: 5 minutesIf you have been longing for the open seas, but have limited time to plan for your exclusive experience, why not book a spontaneous getaway to treat yourself and your family to an unforgettable cruise vacation.

5 ways to create a healthy workplace culture
Est. Reading Time: 7 minutesImagine a work culture in which team members can connect, regardless of where, when and how they work. The traditional workspace is rapidly changing, and today’s businesses need to modernise and evolve if they want to attract — and keep — the most talented among today’s workers.
As leading organisations evolve to meet the new cultural requirements of today’s workforce, what exactly are business leaders to do?
Connect Your Team Members
While some companies are resisting these trends, many realise that more flexible work styles will be the new norm. From Covid-19 businesses needed to adapt and we seen companies enable eligible team members to work remotely, at variable hours or in other flexible capacities, which has now continued and fulfils both their job and lifestyle needs. Team members have overwhelmingly said that the flexibility in their work style helps them be successful.
Simply, this is not an HR policy — this is a business imperative. Here’s why:
- Happier and more productive team members: Providing flexible work style options will lead to more satisfied and engaged team members. According to our research with three companies, flexibility is one of the top three culture attributes team members value the most, following ethics and inclusion. We’ve also seen that giving our team members the independence to work remotely can lead to productivity gains — 86% of remote work program participants believe they are as or even more productive working remotely compared to those who are in the office full-time. And 93% of team members feel remote work makes them a better team member and our company a better employer.
- Family Friendly: Providing flexible working arrangements has been a success when it comes down to raising children to support in sickness days, school holidays and even dropping off and collecting from school.
- Reduce the barriers to attracting top talent: Work-life balance ranks as the number one career goal for all three major generations — baby boomers, Generation X and millennials. Offering flexible work arrangements can help remove geographical barriers, ensuring that you can hire and retain the best candidates, regardless of location or other barriers.
- Benefit the planet: Flexible work practices also help businesses to conserve natural resources and energy. With fewer people in the office and on the road, you’re helping reduce transportation-related pollution and can maximise office space usage.Responding To The Changing Workplace
- Leaders who are supportive of flexible work styles: It’s important that your leadership is committed to flexible work models. This includes giving managers the ability to discuss and establish flexible work plans that will work best for their teams and business needs. It’s important to remember that the definition of flexible work can vary — you’ll need to find the balance that keeps team members engaged and productive, the business thriving and growing and, most importantly, the customers satisfied and happy
Flexible work is the new norm in the workplace, and it’s not going away anytime soon. By providing your teams with flexible work options that encourage collaboration, optimize productivity and allow them to follow their preferred work style, your organisation will boost its competitive edge and position itself to become an employer-of-choice for the world’s best talent.
Laura McNally, Founder of VIBE HR Grace aged 7, she is my WHY to what it is I am doing today!
VIBE offers people-first approach to HR with a modern twist! Navigating the complexities of HR in today’s fast-paced world can be challenging, but our skilled team is equipped to provide solutions tailored to your business.
“From a young age I have always known I wanted my own my own business but wasn’t sure on the direction I wanted to go in. This year in March I took myself off to Thailand for a few weeks to take some time out of the chaotic busy life. At this point I was working for an independent operative as People and Operations Director, I had worked my way up with this company for 4 years and loved what we had achieved from a People and Culture aspect of the business. I decided to take a few weeks off and travel to Thailand, this has always been on my list of places to travel to, so the time was perfect. During my visit (in the ocean on a paddle board) I started to ask myself what my passions in life are and where would I like to be in the next 5 years personally and work related, what do I love and what would I enjoy… putting my passion in to a business is how Vibe was born.As you know owning your own business has many benefits but there are also the down days, the long hours etc. I am so privileged to have amazing friends and network around me, helping me to grow and reach my goals, this works both ways.”
Laura x
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